Where can I buy Jouef Trains?


Jouef models can be found at swapmeets in the UK but it is rare to find more than the odd one or two. They are often later scale models but can be found at reasonable prices owing to the fact that they are of continental prototypes, which are less popular. The locos seem to command high prices especially the later steam locos, but wagons and coaches can be bought quite cheaply.

Internet Auctions

If you have access to sites such as Ebay, try searching in Germany, Holland, Belgium and France as well as UK. The German, Dutch and Belgian sites are a particularly good source of models at reasonable prices. The French Ebay site tends to be more expensive since the popularity of the models has increased following the closure of the factory. Other European countries are also worth exploring but Spain and Italy seem to be unusually expensive.

There are other auction sites in Europe if you're brave enough to deal with them in their native language although some have limited English. Try the 'Le train' site or 'Delcampe' which seem to have a plentiful supply of Jouef items  amongst others.

UK Auctions

 There are a number of auction sites who specialise in trains and these can be a source of models.

European swapmeets

There are numerous swapmeets across Europe as in the UK. I have attended the Eurospoor exhibition and swapmeet in Utrecht for the last few years and found a good supply of Jouef at reasonable prices, although the supply was much reduced last time I went in 2006. There is also a regular swapmeet at Houten, Holland which is close to Utrecht.
Of course modern Jouef can sometimes be found in a small number of shops the UK (see the Links page) and a search on the web can reveal current sources of new models in Europe and Canada. However this is now the exception.

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